+94 77 355 9553

About Us

Our Scope

Humanitarian brotherhood foundation is a nongovernmental. Nonpolitical and non-religious organization exclusively founded on the principles of  humanitarian, and brotherhood as ,  to undertake social work to all needy people irrespective of their caste creed  or ethnicity.

Our vision

To fulfill the needs of all communities and contribute towards the overall development of mankind, without discrimination, ensuring happiness, fraternity, dignity, Brotherhood and self-respect as a single community as citizens of Sri Lanka.


Humanitarian Brotherhood Foundation voices the grievances of all human beings irrespective of caste, religion, ethnicity and nationality and creates opportunities for the development of affected and underprivileged people as one nation, as Sri

Historical background of the Organization

The year 1948, Sri Lanka  gained    Independence   from  the British, and    under the soul bury constitution a West minister system of government was   established. In the  years that followed  come a  noticeable   feature in the parliamentary   system 
of government  was the gradual  twist into a  Two-Party  system comprising of  the UNP and   the  SLFP,  with  a few  racist    and radical   parties  emerging from the   working   classes  and the  clergy, leaning  towards the two main parties.   

Within this short space of time, in the political arena we see that in the north and
south political and social unrest, youth uprisings and ethnic conflicts, creating turmoil and imbalance in the country’s stability. However, in the south in 1971-1987 youth uprisings were suppressed and crushed by the ruling government.  But in the north and  east, the Tamil freedom  seekers voicing for  equality and a separate  state over 
the last  25 years have  taken up  arms to air their  grievances and have forced  many Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and Muslims out of their  ancestral  homes 
and  they are now living  as refugees abroad,  or as IDPs.(Internally Displaced People)

This refugee question eventually gave rise to the racial conflict. This was noticeable in the Year 1983. This further paved the way for each community to view other communities with enmity and caution in religious, cultural and social aspects. The end result of this was the growth of suspicious, disrespect for religion, and disregards for human rights.

Even through regular changes of governments, the country’s political social and cultural problems were never solved. It certainly multiplied and all peace initiatives met with a dead end and developing different faces. The mediations of several foreign countries, pressure from International powers have found no answer to this question. “Peace”, is something that has to come from the bottom of the heart and not by lip alone. If we want to achieve peace we must understand what Human rights is, and respect others religion and culture, live without Hatred or enmity, understand that all religion’s preach well and to be righteous. So which ever religion we may belong to we must remember that all of us are in Sri Lankan, and let’s live as Sri Lanka in this beautiful island of ours.

However we thought that, to establish of a non-governmental / non-political/non-profit making social organization which can provide appropriate social humanitarian services without any discrimination whatsoever to all needy people especially the poor women, children of each religion for achieving peace and sustainable development of the society. One of the main focuses that prompted the founder (AMM Mashoor) to make this a reality was ex-deputy Minister of social services – Alhaj SSM Abu baker. The founder was motivated by the will to make all persons make active contributions to build a united, cooperative and satisfied society free of idlers burdens to society and help raise the standard of living of the community. 

In 1998 HBF (Humanitarian Brotherhood Foundation) started its operation from Puttalam and moved to Kalpitiya in the Puttalam district. HBF is getting necessary cooperation from the Government as well. The HBF is one of the members NGO National Action Front. The HBF is registered in 1998 under Social Services Department in North Western Province then in 2000; the organization is registered in Non Government Organization secretariat in the Ministry of Social Services in Sri Lanka under Act, No 31 of 1980 as amended by Act, No. 8 of 1998. The register number is L01401.

Goal and Objectives of the Organization

  • To establish the brotherhood, patriotism and socialization among the different communities, and to obtain their optimum contribution and participation in the development of human life of Sri Lanka.
  • To promote and participate in the national development efforts beneficial to the children, disabled, orphans, mentally retarded and elderly, and to provide counseling and guidance to improve family life,
  • To provide Community development such as Socio Economic, Education, Health Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fishing, Sports, Environment culture, Poverty eradication and Training activities.
  • To  Provide  self-employment, relief,  rehabilitation, reconstruction , resettlement, restoration, reconciliation, Integrations, Peace building, capacity building to civil society & service delivery public institutions, Micro finance, Donations to needy persons, other social welfare & fundamental rights activities and women and children rights activities,
  • To improve the living standard of the poor, marginalized and disadvantages groups of the people, participatory approach and providing basic facilities to safeguard their human rights and dignity. To create and educated and disciplined society in the future by providing assistance to all the underprivileged students.                          
  • To actively support and offer financial and non-financial services to the poor and provide assistance to rehabilitate and especially to resettle those who are landless/ and shelter less, as well as disadvantaged people. 
  • To identify  those women, children, youths and school dropout who are exploited by fellow men due to their present pathetic status in society and design/implement suitable programme to pull them out of the morass and empower them to live a standard life equal to other citizens of the country,
  • To create awareness among the people on health, environment and social education etc. and educate them about the bad impact of drugs , alcohol and    other health hazards,
  • To established Youth Development Projects, organize with the active         participation of the community,
  • To identify the underlying causes of the problems with members of the community people and overcome those problems by the uses of local resources

Area Coverage

HBF works from North to South and East to West covering the whole Island when and where assistance is needed to the Vulnerable and Marginalized community irrespective of their ethnicity, religion, caste or nationality .HBF is fully committed to respond for the emergency situation which includes man made or natural disaster.


HBF   is managed by a team of sectional heads who are answerable to the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive is answerable to the board of Directors who are selected by the General body. HBF is divided into five units e.x. Programme, Information and publication, Human resources management, Monitoring and evaluation and Finance. Each unit is led by a Sectional head with the support of dedicated staff. HBF has a field office in each of its operational Districts deployed with a field Coordinator and project staff to implement the District level activities. HBF has its recruitment policy of giving equal opportunity to both men and women to become team member.


HBF is manned by both male and female staff with years of experience. HBF trainers / consultants are specialists in their own particular fields and have practical experience gained from a variety of different development organization. Our staff is involved both in training and management of activities to ensure that they maintain a close link with day to day practice in the field. We believe that this way of working enriches the work processes and keeps our staff/ board of Directors always at the forefront of emerging development ideas and best practices. HBF has dedicated staffs who have been working with the people for more than 15 years .HBF   staff has been able to create good and sincere working relations with the members represented by local communities as well as IDPs in all the Districts. There were foreign volunteers worked with us from USA and Bangladesh.

Intervention of the Organization

  • Micro finance and livelihood program.
  • Child & youth program.
  • Education (formal & non formal).
  • Early childhood development.
  • Health and nutrition.
  • HIV Aids prevention and behavior change.
  • Women in development.
  • Relief, Rehabilitation and disaster management.
  • Water and Sanitation.
  • Social mobilization and capacity building.
  • Organic farms
  • School social work.
  • Social harmony and Peace.
  • Human resources development program.
  • Coastal recourse management
  • Human rights and  child rights/women rights
  • Environment.
  • Counseling
  • School social works.
  • Preventing of alcohol.


A.M.M. Mashoor is the Chief Executive Officer And Founder of our organization. With over


Dr. S. Pathmarajah

Dr. S. Pathmarajah is the Chairman of our organization. He brings a


Founder & CEO

Former co-founder of ACME company. Early staff at XYZ. Loves coffee & morning runs.

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